How Talking Can Help Your Mental Health
The ability to talk about your feelings in an unthreatening manner can be a powerful tool. Whether you are dealing with a friend or loved one or at work, you may be facing a time when your emotions are under siege. If you find yourself in this situation, a visit to a therapist can be a game changer. Your therapist may be able to offer you some emotional support. In addition, your provider can educate you on other resources available to you such as community services and mental health centers.
Talking about your feelings isn’t just for the faint of heart. It can be a relief to have someone listen to your plight and know that you are not alone. You might be feeling a bit depressed or anxious about a big event or loss in your life. A teen may be playing video games or smoking marijuana due to boredom, a divorced parent may be feeling overwhelmed, or you might be battling a chronic illness. Regardless of the reasons, talking to a trusted therapist can be a good idea. This is not only to provide some much-needed respite but also to make sure you are not ignoring an important health issue.
One way to do this is to discuss the signs and symptoms of your condition with your physician. They might recommend a visit to a mental health center or may even refer you to a therapist. Seeing a therapist can help you cope with your depression, anxiety, or any other mental health issue. Oftentimes, you will need to be in the same room as your therapist, so it is important to communicate openly. However, if you are unable to do this in person, you can always do a telehealth appointment.
When it comes to talking about your feelings, there are many pitfalls to avoid. For example, minimizing the problem in a succinct way could lead to a negative outcome, so be careful about how you present the issue. Additionally, you might want to use a less common medical term or phrase to describe your state of mind. Those who are inflicted with mental illness might experience increased sensitivity to rejection, which may make them feel uneasy about sharing their emotions.
The best approach is to try to understand your feelings and then determine a plan of action. For example, you might be able to encourage your spouse to seek professional medical help. You might also suggest getting your teen to play more socially and engage in more recreational activities. These things may seem trite, but you would be surprised how a little emotional support can improve the quality of your relationship. Furthermore, your child will probably appreciate the fact that you are taking the initiative to help them through a difficult time.